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Black Salt

 Witches black salt is used for protection, banishing, binding, cleansing, and releasing. What You Need sea salt ashes / or a charcoal disc protective herbs mortar and pestle How To Make It Make your black salt on a Tuesday after the sun has set, preferably on a waxing or full moon as they are both good moon phases for doing protection magick. To make my black salt I burned a mixture of rosemary, sage, and mugwort on a charcoal disc. Use whatever herbs that you associate with protection. You could also use the ashes from incense. I let the herbs burn for about 5 minutes and then ground this mixture, including the charcoal disc, in a mortar and pestle. Combine this mixture with the salt by mixing it in a counter-clock wise direction. You could also add some ashes from your fireplace and some black pepper. I've also taken a bay leaf and drew a pentacle on it, then burned this and added its ashes to the black salt. Another optional ingredient to add is cast iron scrapings. As with a

Aura Cleansing Spray

An aromatherapy spray to spiritually cleanse your aura. Helps you feel instantly grounded, calm, and centred.  Contains Rosemary -  protection, clarity, cleansing Sage - purifying, cleansing, protection Frankincense -  purification, meditation, spirituality Lavender - relaxing, purifying, balances chakras Bergamot - cleansing, peace, protection Full moon water -  purifying, blessings, spiritually cleansing Witch hazel - protection, healing, calming Clear quartz -  energy cleanser, amplifying, harmony How To Make It  Combine all the ingredients in a glass spray bottle if you have one. I like to spiritually cleanse the spray bottle before hand, either letting it sit in a bowl of salt or using sage smoke to cleanse it. I used essential oils instead of dried herbs as the spray will keep for longer and not get clogged. You could also brew the dried herbs and then strain them before adding it to your spray bottle. I used equal parts of witch hazel and full moon water and about 7-10 drops of

Uplifting Herbal Tea Blend

An herbal tea blend to uplift your spirits and make you feel relaxed, peaceful and happy. Contains Chamomile - relieves anxiety, calming, happiness Lemon balm - relieves depression, happiness, healing Mint -  uplifting, healing, happiness Lavender - relaxing, calming, purifying L emongrass - spiritually cleansing, happiness, relaxing How To Make It Empower your tea blend by combining the dried herbs in a mortar and pestle in a clockwise motion.  I used equal parts of each dried herb, but you can use whatever amount feels right for you. Store this tea blend with a citrine crystal and leave it to charge in the sunlight for a couple of hours. You could even try making a cold brew with this, or adding it to your bath.

Crystal Water & Gem Elixirs

All About Crystal Water and Gem Elixirs By placing a crystal in water, the vibrational patterns, crystalline structure and subtle energy the crystal holds are transferred to the water. Crystal infused water and elixirs are used for healing and spiritual purposes. ***Some crystals are toxic, so be sure to do your research into which gems are safe to use in water. Crystals from the quartz family are generally safe to use. Choose tumbled stones as opposed to the rough raw stones. If a crystal is not safe for consumption you could instead place the crystals around the water or place the water on a crystal slab, crystal coasters work perfectly for this. Gem elixirs are made using alcohol such as vodka and used as a tincture which can be stored. While gem or crystal water is made using water and is generally used straight away.  It’s best to make sure you cleanse and charge your crystals before using them. Do this by running them under water, placing them in a bowl of salt, or burning herbs

Aura Cleansing Bath

Spiritually cleanse your aura with this aura cleansing ritual bath. You Will Need Lavender - calming, purification, peace Rose petals - self love, healing, protection Hyssop - spiritually cleansing, commonly used in spiritual baths Juniper berries - clears negative energy, purifies the aura Himalayan salt - healing, purification, protection Fr ankincense essential oil - protects the aura, strengthens intuition, relieves stress White candle - purification, healing New moon water - renewal, cleansing, healing Selenite/quartz/fluorite/seashells Aura Cleansing Bath Ritual I like to perform this ritual on a waning moon since this moon phase is associated with letting go and slowing down, in preparation for the new moon. Start by boiling some water and pouring this over the herbs. I use about 1 litre of water and a tablespoon of each dried herb, you can use whatever amount feels right for you. Let this steep while you run your bath. Place selenite, clear quartz, rainbow fluorite, and/or r

Vision Oil

A vision oil to amplify your intuition. Contains Star anise - divination, clairvoyance, third eye chakra Mugwort - astral awareness, psychic development Yarrow - psychic protection and awareness Bay leaf - promotes prophecy, psychic enhancer Frankincense - spiritual protection, drives away negative spirits Cinnamon - boosts psychic powers, spirituality, success Amethyst - connected with the third eye, increases intuition How To Make It Use this vision oil to enhance your clairvoyance abilities and promote prophecy during divination. Rub into your hands, chakras, and pulse points before tarot readings, or other forms of divination. Use it to anoint your tarot deck, runes, pendulum, crystal ball, etc. You could burn this vision oil in an oil burner during divination practices. Apply to your third eye chakra before going to sleep for prophetic dreams. Combine the ingredients above with a carrier oil, such as grapeseed, hemp or olive oil. Remember, as always, to infuse this oil blend w


A free-spirited flower that reminds us of abundance, joy, and manifestation. Correspondences Masculine The Sun & Jupiter Air Wishes, manifestation, happiness, joy, resilience, courage, luck, astral awareness, divination, creativity, transformation The Magick of Dandelions Dandelion flowers are connected to the sun, and the seeds are connected to the moon. Blow dandelion  seeds facing the full moon to use the lunar energy to amplify your wish. Drink dandelion tea to enhance psychic powers and promote prophetic dreams. The roots are linked to spirits and the underworld, drink a tea made from the roots to communicate with spirits or for divination. Bouquets of dandelions brought into the home will dispel negativity. Place a dandelion flower on your solar plexus and meditate.  Burn dandelion flowers before divination. Ring a white candle with dandelions to bring joy and happiness. Since dandelions are associated with abundance, they are perfect for money bowl spells. Make a solar amu


A high vibration crystal that embodies divine lunar energy. Correspondences Receptive energy The Moon Water Element Crown and Third Eye Chakras Cancer Purifying, cleansing, healing, protection, intuition, clears negative energy The Magick of Selenite Associated with lunar Goddess energy. Connected to the angelic realm. Keep a piece of selenite on you to cleanse your aura. Use selenite during full moon rituals.  Meditate holding a piece of selenite to bring clarity and peace of mind. Use a selenite wand to clear your aura of unwanted energy. Keep a piece of selenite with your tarot cards to cleanse and protect them. Use selenite to cleanse and charge your crystals. Selenite amplifies the effects of other crystals, making them perfect for crystal grids. Hold a selenite crystal in your left hand and a black tourmaline crystal in your right hand.  The selenite will cleanse and purify your energy and the black tourmaline will dispel any negative energy. 

Lughnasadh Tea

An herbal tea blend for the beginning of the harvest season. Contains Cal endula -  associated with the sun, helps restore personal energy Mint -  purifying and uplifting Chamomile -  attracts prosperity, also connected with the sun Oat straw -  has rejuvenating and purifying properties Rose petals -  healing and protective  Mugwort -  connected with divine energy How To Make It All of the ingredients are late summer flowering and could be harvested during Lughnasadh.  Since they're all connected with Lughnasadh the energy they hold will be more potent during this time. Combine the herbs in a mortar and pestle while empowering your tea blend with your energy.   Charge this herbal tea blend in the Lughnasadh sun with carnelian, citrine, or a clear quartz crystal.