Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Fool Tarot Card

Upright: beginnings, faith, adventure, spontaneity, innocence, spirit, potential, youth
Reversed: poor judgement, foolish, inexperience, careless, naive, reckless

Number: 0
Element: Air
Planet: Uranus
Zodiac: Aquarius

Keep the fool card on your altar as a reminder to seize the day.

When starting a new venture, locate the fool card in your deck, the card below it is the risk involved, and the card above it is the reward.

Spiritual development spread: 
Take the fool card from the deck then shuffle the rest of the cards. Draw 9 cards then add the fool card to those 9 and shuffle them together. Lay the cards out in a row. The placement of the fool card will represent how far along on your spiritual development you are, and the other cards represent the steps in your journey.

A useful spell when starting something new.
Perform this spell on a Sunday, or on a new moon.
You will need an aventurine crystal, peppermint essential oil, and a white candle.
Place the aventurine on top of the fool card.
Etch the number 0 and a symbol for the air element onto your candle.
Anoint your candle with peppermint essential oil.
Light the candle and place this next to the fool card.
Think about what this card represents to you.
Focus on drawing its energy of infinite potential, and relax knowing that your new endeavours will manifest some great experiences in your life.

Lucid Dreaming Charm Bag

A potent charm bag to induce lucid dreams.

You will need:
- a small cloth bag, or piece of fabric
- lavender
- mugwort
- catnip
- amethyst
- selenite
- labradorite

Prepare this charm bag on the full moon, and charge it under the full moon light before using.

Burn some sage, and cleanse the area you are crafting in with its smoke.

When adding the magickal items to the charm bag, focus on your intent. Add each item with purpose and meaning.

You can add a strand of your hair to the charm bag or a piece of paper with a symbol for dreams, or even a picture of the moon.

You can either place the charm bag under your pillow, or hold it in your hand while you sleep. Holding it in your hand will act as a trigger in the dream world, which will make lucid dreaming more possible.

Drink a tea made from mugwort, catnip, and lavender before going to sleep. Add some moon water to your tea if you have some.

Try to avoid going on your phone, or watching tv at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep. 

Lie on your back and recite to yourself (either out loud or in your head) that you will lucid dream tonight. 

When you awake, be sure to write down any aspects of your dreams that you remember. This will strengthen your dream recall. It takes practice to be able to lucid dream, so creating a ritual will make this even more possible.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Star Anise

This exotic spice not only looks and smells beautiful, it can be used to unlock your psychic awareness.

Divination, energy, love, manifestation, money, psychic abilities, clarity 

Ring candles with star anise to boost psychic powers, or press one into a candle.

Make a garland with star anise to keep on your altar. 

For a psychic tea blend, mix star anise, cinnamon, mugwort, catnip, and yarrow.

Infuse star anise in witch hazel and use in a spray bottle. Spray this before divination, or spray your wallet to manifest money. Or keep a star anise pod in your purse or wallet.

Keep a star anise pod with your tarot cards.

Make a pendulum using a star anise pod.

Enchant a star anise pod and make this into a necklace to enhance psychic abilities.

Make a dream oil by infusing star anise in grapeseed oil along with mugwort, catnip, damiana, and an amethyst crystal. Anoint the third eye chakra before going to sleep.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is the embodiment of unconditional love and compassion. 

Heart Chakra
Taurus, Libra
Love, compassion, self-love, empathy, beauty, emotional healing, trust

Associated with divine feminine energy.

Meditate with rose quartz to bring emotional healing.

Place rose quartz in the bedroom to bring love into your life.

Lie down and meditate with a piece of rose quartz placed on closed eyes to see beauty in the world.

Gently massage your face with a piece of tumbled rose quartz to promote a more beautiful youthful complexion.

Make a facial mist using a tumbled piece of rose quartz, dried lavender, and rose petals.

Gift rose quartz to your significant other to promote more love and compassion within the relationship.

Lie down and place rose quartz over your heart to remove any negative emotions from the day.

Place rose quartz in water overnight, share this drink with someone you love.

Keep a piece of rose quartz inside your makeup bag to promote beauty.

Take a ritual bath with a piece of rose quartz. Place the rose quartz on your heart, close your eyes and relax. Focus on the loving energy within the rose quartz. The bath water symbolises your emotions and the rose quartz is there to help you and ease you. Place the rose quartz under your pillow when you go to sleep that night, and continue to feel the positive loving energy that the crystal emits. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Spiritual Oil

*** I've moved this post to 

This oil blend will raise your vibration and make you feel spiritually empowered. 

You will need:
- grapeseed oil
- frankincense (oil or resin)
- mugwort
- sage
- star anise
- 5 juniper berries
- small piece of amethyst
- small glass bottle with a lid
Start by burning some sage and cleanse the glass bottle with the smoke. 

As with all spellwork, remember to use visualisation and really put your intent into what you are creating. Be mindful and consciously aware of your actions and thoughts throughout the process.

Add the mugwort, sage, star anise, juniper berries and frankincense to your bottle, you only need a small amount of each. I choose to use 5 juniper berries as the number 5 is associated with spirituality, energy and optimism.

Then add the amethyst, and finally the grapeseed oil.

Close the bottle then shake it 13 times. The number 13 is a powerful number in witchcraft, linked to manifestation, magic, and power. 

You can place crystals such as amethyst, clear quartz or labradorite around the oil to charge it.

To enhance the spiritual power of this oil, charge it under the full moon, preferably when the moon is in your zodiac sign.

Use this oil to dress candles, anoint yourself or magickal tools, add a few drops to your bath water, or use it in an oil burner.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Money Spell

*** I've moved this post to ***

A simple money spell to invite prosperity, wealth, and a flow of abundance into your life.

You will need:
- a green candle
- cinnamon stick
- chamomile
- bay leaf
- cloves
- orange essential oil
- citrine crystal

Perform this spell either on a Thursday or on a full moon, preferably when the moon is in the sign of Capricorn.

Prepare some chamomile tea in a bowl and allow to cool. Chamomile attracts money to you. Drink some of the tea and also use it to rinse your hands.

Burn the cinnamon stick and use its smoke to cleanse the area that you are performing this spell. Cinnamon is associated with the fire element and money. 

Take the green candle, preferably use a chime candle, tealight, or small pillar candle. Etch your name onto the candle, or your initials, and a symbol for money. Dress your candle with orange essential oil. When applying the oil start at the top of the candle and use downward strokes, since you are drawing the money to you.

Place 7 cloves around your candle. Cloves are linked to money and prosperity and the number seven is associated with money and success.

Take the bay leaf and write three dollar signs, or which ever symbol for currency you use. Bay leaves grant wishes and the number three is associated with manifestation. If possible use a natural ink or even a pencil.

Light your candle, then carefully burn the bay leaf. Concentrate on what you want to achieve from this spell. Use an incantation at this point if you wish. It can even be something as simple as "I am prosperous, wealthy, and rich". Visualise on your intent manifesting as if it were already a reality.

After you've burned the bay leaf, hold the citrine stone. Citrine is a stone for prosperity and used for manifesting abundance. Concentrate on the crystals energy while you are holding it. 

Continue to focus on your desire until the candle burns out. If you're using a larger candle, try to burn this at the same time every day until the candle burns out. Remember to keep focusing on your intent when you light it again. Use a candle snuffer in between burning and keep the citrine next to the candle. 

***Please note that any magickal ingredient used in this spell can be substituted for whatever feels right for you. It is important that you are connected to the spell you are casting. Think about what represents prosperity to you. Use your knowledge, intuition and judgement to personalise this spell and make it your own. 

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Mighty tree of Ancient Wisdom and strength. 

Protection, strength, wisdom, healing, luck, prosperity, money, summer solstice 

Oak trees were sacred to the Druids. The Celtic word for Oak is Duir, meaning solidity, protection, and steadfastness.

Acorns symbolise fertility, creativity of the mind, prosperity, healing, life and ancient wisdom.

Place acorns on window sills for protection.

Acorns are associated with Samhain. Make a pendulum using an acorn for divination on Samhain. 

Carry an acorn in your pocket to protect you on a journey, and also to bring you good luck on a job interview.

Etch symbols for immortality, prosperity, and healing on the first acorn you find in Autumn. Charge this acorn every Full moon and New moon of the year. Carry it with you or place on your altar. Plant this acorn the following Autumn to give back to nature.

The Oak leaf symbolises strength, courage, nobility, honour and wisdom.

Catching a falling oak leaf will bring you luck and prosperity, and will help to keep you from getting sick in the winter. Frame it and keep it on your altar.

Place 6 oak leaves in your bath water to cleanse mind, body, and spirit. 

Use an oak leaf as a bookmark in books used for attaining knowledge.

Acorns and oak leaves used together are a symbol for power and victory.

When someone in the home is sick, burn oak wood to drive away the illness.

Make a protection talisman using two oak twigs shaped into an equal-armed cross bound in the centre with red thread. To boost the protective power of this talisman, place a piece of black tourmaline in the centre, then bound the oak twigs, and the stone with the red thread.


The Stone of the Sea. Aquamarine holds the calm soothing energy of water, and can help to improve spiritual communication.

Throat Chakra
Pisces, Aquarius, Scorpio 
Soothing, courage, communication, peace, purification, compassion, self-expression

Aquamarine can be cleansed and charged in water, preferably sea water that has been charged under the Full Moon.

Lie down and meditate with aquamarine placed on the throat chakra to bring balance and improve communication.

Use aquamarine to strengthen psychic abilities.

Place under your pillow to induce prophetic dreams.

Use during the New Moon to balance emotions and prepare for a new beginning. 

Keep aquamarine on you to overcome the fear of speaking in public.

Use for protection when travelling across the Sea.